#HSP 3 : Life Is Fair Enough

Assalamualaikum wbt... 

Dear readers, this entry is about life. Why people always said that "Life is not fair?" Life is about how people treat us, how good or bad is our day, what experiences or lessons we get and have we achieve our target. First, I want to make a stand up, life is fair... only people in life is treating us like shxxtt. People tend to be selfish, they always think about themselves, their feeling without thinking of other people. Yeah that is life, I know that people nowadays are being so judgmental, just one mistake we do, for years we got blamed on. One said "don’t judge a book by its cover". Yeah that's life people judge anyway. 

Okay back to the life. Every day we meet the same and different person. Some of them have a pleasant attitude and some of them are just being bad ass. In life, people change every day. Today you might be the very important person to someone. The next day you are nothing but an empty jar being thrown away. This is sooooo wrong!! How can people treat you like that? Are they even human at all? Doesn’t they have feeling? I don’t know 'cause I can’t read people's mind. Who knows right if I can read mind I will first read my friend's mind so I can know what they were thinking about me.  

We have goal in life. We need effort, determination and courage to achieve it. When you think that you cannot do it, you give up yet you still put the blame on life. What have life done that you hate it so much? It’s yourself to be blamed because you're the one who gave up. You think life is a game that when you failed, you can restart it over and over again. No it’s not a game and you will be regret if you lose.  

In life we do mistake. We are not perfect, in fact we're human right? So we must learn from mistakes to improve ourselves. Don’t live in the past cause you will never see the future as the past is an obscurest place yet you got to learned from it so you can be stronger to stand up. However, this is life… every success come with a failure. So, in order to succeed in life we have to fail so that we can open our eyes as to see how the world grind.

P/s: Aku buat dalam English sebab saja nak try and improve English language aku. Sebab MUET dah dekat so kena practice dari sekarang. Kalau korang rasa terok English aku ni tolong la ye comment ke ape ke. Sebab aku tak terer pon bab2 ni. So sampai sini je hari ni. Assalamualaikum wbt… 
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