#HSP 17 : Selamat Ulang Tahun Kelahiran

Assalamualaikum wbt..


I just want to wish a happy birthday to myself because only fews yang remember my birthday. 

Dear self, 

Happy 20th Birthday to you. 
May Allah bless you and give you success in life.
Be a good son to your mom and dad. 
Be anak yang soleh. 
Proved to them that you can success in what ever you do. 
You dont need a thousand wish form anyone. 
Most important is that your family will always be there with you 
whenever you have a good or hard time. 

Thank you mom and dad. 
I will always love you forever and ever.

#HSP 16 : T r u t h H u r t s


"Loving can hurt, Loving can hurt...." photograph by ed sheeran was played on the radio. whatta lonely night, i guess it will be a long night for me. Suddenly this feeling i cant describe how hurt it is. Im in dilemma cause im holding on to her for such a long time. i dont know if i will get through this or not.  Even though i have tried to moved on before, but i can't. 

"i always act like i'm fine and everyone thinks i'm okay, but when the lights are off and i'm all alone. that's when my tears start to fall

What's so special about her ? Im barely knew her but i knew we had the same taste, we shared the same thought and all that things, But... *sighhss* we're not shared the same feelings. im wondering what is her feeling, the way she look at me, the way she think of me, who am i to her... all day and all night.

"Im a paradox, neither happy or sad. i smile at pretty things, laugh at funny things, but at night i become a mess of emotions and thoughts."

I was once, confess to her how i feel about her. Then, how stupid i am to not give her the chance to explain, to tell the truth about her feeling towards me, i "friendzoned" her. Too afraid to know the truth, I shut her off, Too afraid that the situation will be awkward, I shut her off. I realized  how stupid i am to let myself covered with ego. I hope that one day im brave enough to accept the truth before its too late. 

I just want you to know, 

I'm only one call away
I'll be there to save the day
Superman got nothing on me
I'm only one call away

Call me, baby, if you need a friend
I just wanna give you love
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon
Reaching out to you, so take a chance
No matter where you go, know you're not alone

I'm only one call away
I'll be there to save the day
Superman got nothing on me
I'm only one call away

Come along with me and don't be scared
I just wanna set you free
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon
You and me can make it anywhere
For now, we can stay here for a while
Cause you know, I just wanna see your smile
No matter where you go, know you're not alone

I'm only one call away
I'll be there to save the day
Superman got nothing on me
I'm only one call away

When you're weak I'll be strong
I'm gonna keep holding on
Now don't you worry, it won't be long
Darling, if you feel like hope is gone
Just run into my arms

I'm only one call away
I'll be there to save the day
Superman got nothing on me
I'm only one, I'm only one call away
I'm only one call away
I'll be there to save the day
Superman got nothing on me
I'm only one call away
I'm only one call away

#HSP 15: c i n t a ??

Assalamualaikum wbt..

Hai gais. nak bercakap pasal cinta ni memang la panjang ceritanya. sebelum tu minta maaf lama sangat tak update blog ni bersawang-sawang dah. Busy dengan study and all that stuff event apa semua goshhhhh. Payah jadi ORANG PENTING ni ahahaha xD I'm just kidding. Dua tiga hari yang lepas aku join satu event ni yang di kendalikan oleh member aku,,, ramai gak lah team2 luar yang join datang dari jauh pon ada.. So memang SEMANGAT lah sepanjang event tu plus dapat la jugak cuci2 mata kannn.. hahaha.. gatal sangat dah... maklum lah bujang kannn ~ padahal tak laku. kbaii.. hahaha
ramai je yang helok-2 abam tengok merecik-recik dah.. over sangat boleh.. hahah Ok sebenarnya aku ada 3 event yang nak kena attend berderet pulak tu.. Apa pon it was fun and im enjoyed. still tak cukup rest lagi what evs. ahaha.

Okaayyyy CINTA eh.. aku dah tak kenal apa itu cinta laah.. how's time flies... Hidup single best ke? bagi aku lah depends on the person laa.. sebab lain orang lain cita rasa. ada yang kata single tu lagi bagus takde la pening-2 kepala melayan kerenah orang lain. ye dakk ?? haha tapi tak jugak sebab sometimes orang tu akan rasa LONELY jugak sebab kita as manusia Allah dah ciptakan berpasangan.. perlukan teman ? yes !! Kita perlukan teman secara fizikal dan juga rohani. Secara fizikalnya ialah melalui rakan-2 dan sahabat or bff or apa2 lagi lah pakwe ke makwe ke.. heheh.. secara rohani pulak ialah melalu Maha Pencipta.. Bila kita sedih, rindu, gembira kita berdoa pada Allah.. Apa pon kita kembali kepada basic sebagai seorang hamba Allah yang beragama Islam. 

Aku SINGLE utk pengetahuan korang semua.. Okaayyy abam single tak tahu lah avaible or N/A.. hahaha.. kadang2 abang jeles tengok pasangan2 kat luar sana sweetttt angat.. duuuhhh. kemon ah bruhhhh kadang2 meluat gak haha macam takde tempat lain nak ber"sweet-2" depan abam jugak nak suiittttt-2 tahu la abam single.. 
CINTA PLU -  aku rasa takkan wujud lgi dah dalam hidup aku unless ada some one yang sanggup terima aku seadanya. tapi SIAPA??? kah kah kahh... Dalam mimpii boleh laahh kannn...

If korang ingat lagi lah pasal F yang aku pernah cter dulu... aku dengan dia tak tau la nak cakap macam mana.. hahah tapi aku dah confess dekat dia and at the same time aku ter friendzone dia.. huaaaa... aku pon tak tau kenapa aku buat camtu.. maybe sebab aku tak nak dia rasa cocky or awkward bila sembang dengan aku... Aku pon tak berapa igt apa yang aku cakap kat dia. hmmmm.. but for sure aku and dia will be together forever tak kisah as a friend or love one. #BERTABAHLAH  To be honest aku cakap aku n dia ada banyak persamaan but im not sure bout that tho. maybe itu just my "DUSTA" side who knows right ?  soo broken english la bruhh.. heheh.. Apapon doakanlah supaya hubungan kami berterusan hingga ke akhir hayat. AAMIIN  ...

So thats it.. i got nothing to say anymore... see you when i see you guys. Jaga diri jaga kesihatam jaga keselamatan lagi-2 sekarang ni JEREBU teruk.. take care and wear mask!! Ukhwah Fillah.

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